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About Us
- Together, Asteria Press -
Together we are Asteria Press. Dedicated to publishing rule-breaking fantasy fiction that warms the heart.
- Aimée Hill, Commissioning Editor -
Hello, I'm Aimée. As commissioning editor, I get to read all of the brilliant stories that we give a home. I'm always looking for a new story that develops imaginative takes on the fantasy genre. The name of the game is pushing boundaries and crafting joy.
- Wendy Mach, Creative Director -
Hi, I'm Wendy. As creative director, I overlook all things design and production at Asteria Press. This means overlooking social media, book cover design, typesetting, and getting books to print! When I'm not working at Asteria Press, I'm a freelance designer for the publishing industry with a big love for self-development and a cup of good coffee.
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